In 2025:
For all players to the club in 2025, registrations will include a training shirt, playing shorts and socks. Our Sponsorship agreements were updated for the 2025/2026 seasons which cover the players strips for the next 2 years. Registrations are to be completed online and payment made in full before stock will be provided. Uniforms will be distributed at a registration day to be held around March in 2025.
New and returning players will be invited to register online. Online registration through Play Football will allow for easy, 24 hour registration, with credit card payments being the only options accepted when you register in the new system. You are still able to use your Active Kids Vouchers when registering.
Children born in 2020 are now old enough to play in the Under 5 competition in 2025 and can also register online, however, a copy of the players birth certificate may be required to be submitted at our registration day or emailed through to the registrar. No original copies are required.
Players registered in Under 12's to U17’s (competition teams) are required to upload a passport sized photo when registering. Registration will not be accepted until this is complete.
Online Registration Instructions
Step 1
Register with Service NSW for your Active Kids Voucher if using it for this registration.
Step 2
Online registration can be completed via the registration website, Play Football.
Click ‘Get Started’ - This will take you to a registration page (No FFA Number needed) – Complete this form: You will need to use the email address that is linked with your FFA Account. Parents are to set the account in their name and then link your children.
Verify email address using the code and re-enter your password.
Claim Profiles (If you have more than one family member registered under the same email account you can link them).
Press Continue and select the person you are registering (for linked accounts only).
Press Continue and select the product you would like: (Player - Social - Community)
Select package and fill in any extra information needed and click continue. You can upload a photo or just continue and do it later.
Complete payment and finalise registration.
Payment of fees can be done by credit card via the Play Football website when you register.
If you are playing U12's or above you will be required to load up a passport size photo when registering. Please note your registration will not be accepted until the photo is uploaded.
If you are unsure about the process, please contact via our contact page above or contact our President John Letfallah 0407 911 157.
Account details for merchandise:
Bank Account Details:
A/C Name: Dubbo City Rangers Soccer Club
BSB: 062 534
A/C No: 280 241 21 (please indicate player's name in the reference field).
New players may need to bring their birth certificate or passport to the registration day or email a copy to the registrar.
2025 - Registration Fees (approx.)
Under 5, 6 and 7
Under 8, 9
Under 10, 11
Under 12
Under 13 & 14
Under 15 & 17
The Dubbo & District Soccer Association may offer a family discount for the 3rd and subsequent school age child being registered in 2025 regardless of which club the children are registered with. Please contact a committee member to discuss.
What does the fee cover?
The registration fee covers all costs for the whole season such as insurance, field marking and maintenance, training equipment, referees fees, council fees, goalpost set up, training shirt, playing shorts and socks (player registrations 2025) as well as loan of a playing shirt.
The fees also enable the club to reduce the amount of fund raising that is required throughout the year.
UNIFORM & Other Purchases
Note: Playing shirts are supplied by the club for the duration of the season and will be distributed by your coach.
You will need to have your own shin guards and suitable boots for match days.
Hoodies are available for purchase various sizing.
Shorts, Socks and Training Shirts will be available for purchase.
What to do;
Complete a Working with Children check (mandatory)
Register as a Coach on Play Football
Provide a passport sized photograph to include in your official's ID card (this can be uploaded during online registration)
Email your preferred training day and time to the Club Secretary so a training field can be allocated
Run training sessions
Guide the team on match day
What to do;
Complete a Working with Children check (mandatory)
Register as a Manager on Play Football
Provide a passport sized photograph to include in your official's ID card (this can be uploaded during online registration)
If players have not completed online registration, arrange for players to complete online registration asap
On match day, collect your match card from the duty room and fill it in - both team's coaches sign the card and you return it to the duty room after the game.
Submit any team photos to our Committee team for use on our social platforms, but please make sure the parent gives their permission for the child's photo to be used
Attend Dubbo City Rangers monthly meetings. Details on Facebook about times and locations.
Return team kits to the Club at the end of the season
For more information about registration please contact us
John Letfallah
Sandy Rawson
Chantelle Letfallah
John/Chantelle Letfallah